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Bailey's Irish Cream White Chocolate Cheesecake


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I made my regular cheese cake[@rev] again doing a 4/3 multiplier for the ingredients plus the larger size for the crust. I also had to just use chopped the chocolate for the top just like you do for the inside. This is because I could only buy white chocolate chips. It actually worked pretty well for the top too. I also did something a little bit different. I ground the chocolate before I did the rest. It is of utmost importance that the food processor be dry for the chocolate but it is less crucial for the crust so I did it that way.

I do not know if it was because of the extra crust (see the picture below) but unlike last time, I didn't have extra filling like last time. It filled most of the way and was fine

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7725, 2014-03-29_203019